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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / picture2 / f93c77.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-29  |  372KB  |  471x789  |  8-bit (247 colors)
Labels: monitor | planking | poster | reckoner | sky | skyscraper | vegetarianism | windowpane
OCR: Pralected Macont .price yield ilional STmtox $26.25 17 $200 Marion 750 25.00 TE 46 3.900 EI LIITT 61.8 1 Mareh 42.00 105 10.000 88.7 6.015 Borden 27.25 7.576 MeGram-Hill 61.50 2.300 Abbatt Laboratories 27.7 8.075 19 Bristol-Myars Squibb 84.7 13.000 10 HN. Heini 38.75 8.000 RIte Ald 26.1 23.0% 4.500 12 Genaral Hotars 28.4 28.25 9.200 13 Scheriag tPlough 787 612 4.500 14 Britis Telocom 26.0 58.02 103 66 29 5CO 16 Stanbome 239 33.00 10 30 9.35 16 GlaxD Holdinga 23.0 22.7 8.200 Habboll Bshre T10 840 BUY Delure 14300 $1.030 19 Bemis 23.0 170 1.290 20 Harshey Foods 46.E. 3.40 Seagran 27.00 5.500 22 General Elecbic 126 22,800 sherwin-Willitas 29.00 15 2.925 24 Pfizer 72.0% 8.400 260 Ameriean Prodnct 85.2 119 8.000 26 Tanbrands 58.0 770 Anheuscr-Brson 57.25 12.000 H&RBIGck 38.7 20 2n 1.60 McCormic ...